sabato 25 novembre 2006

Why I’m ornithophobic

Birds and their complexes...

What is the best part of being a bird? Well, from a human perspective it would definitely have to be the flying. God created them in such a way that they can lift themselves up and, with carefully positioned feathers, fly wherever they want to. So, although the majority of birds are not exactly the most attractive animals (do you REALLY want to start comparing them to lions, tigers etc?)they compensate for the lack of beauty with the fact that they can fly...The point is that chickens and turkeys must have serious complexes in that they have feathers and some form of wings but they can’t use them to fly...they just run up and down clucking and gobbling. In simple terms, they have not been given the ability to see the world from above...from a bird’s eye view...doesn’t that make them a lesser form of bird? Wouldn’t you have issues with the fact that you’re just as ugly as the next bird but unlike him/her you can’t soar into the sky (how great is that: soaring into the sky!) The male peacock makes up for this by showing off his colourful plumage but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have his own set of complexes...In conclusion HOW can one blame me for being ornithophobic...yes i admit it i’m shit scared of these “things”... and their complexes.

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