domenica 24 dicembre 2006

Why I worry on chritmas eve

After two weeks of wrapping gifts for others i now wait for mine. I’m a bit worried though because i don’t know how Babbo Natale (Father Christmas) is going to enter the aunt’s house has no chimney and it’s really too cold outside to leave the doors or windows open...I think that’s why I’m awake...I’ll wait until I hear reindeer hoofbeats and the tinkling of bells and THEN i’ll creep up to the door and open it for him to enter. I’d feel bad otherwise.
It’s going to snow’s christmas eve and when the midnight mass is over people will gather in the squares outside cathedrals and churches, underneath the falling snow. It has to snow because otherwise the reindeers won’t be able to land on the rooftops. I read somewhere (in a story i made up) that christmas reindeers have truly sensitive hoofs and that if the surface on which they walk –and land- is not soft and cold they get struck by some terrible disease which turns their hoofs into human feet! So it absolutely has to snow and snow and snow and tomorrow there will be meters of the stuff covering everything and everyone... but there is no need to worry about who will shovel the snow..the elves will. Yes, because they don’t just help with wrapping gifts...elves also shovel snow. They’re very good at it too. They’re so good in fact that no one notices them. I worry about them because of this. For a while now they have been helping father christmas with the gifts and the snow but if their efforts continue to go unnoticed they may start to suffer from certain psychological disorders...(this piece of writing is partly an appeal on behalf of the elves) and if they breakdown who will help poor father christmas out? And if he has no help how will he be able to wrap all those gifts? This indeed is a dilemma...on the “the world will never be the same” scale it’s a definite 9.5 (10 being if Ferrero stops producing Nutella) So what is to be done? Well, for every overly complicated problem there is an overly simple answer: give the elves some lovin’---And i end this on that note because my gifts are on their way and i still need to put some biscuits on a plate and pour a glass of milk for father christmas...oh great! that’s another thing to worry about...if the rumours about his diabetes are true biscuits may not be the wisest way to go...

1 commento:

Jester ha detto...

He must've been very busy indeed, I woke up today and found no gifts but some cash in my wallet. Do you think the Egyptian elves union went on strike this year?!

Where art thou neighbor?